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Bike Path/MDOT Survey

by Kimberly Wolnik
Monday, January 22, 2024

Bike Path/MDOT Survey

The Michigan Department of Transportation is seeking input on the survey linked below.  This is our opportunity to express directly to MDOT our concerns about their plans to mix bicycle traffic, pedestrian traffic and automobile traffic at the RR crossing at Grand Beach Road. Survey item #12 is a space to share general comments.

1)  The existing roadway at the RR crossing is too narrow to add two bike/pedestrian lanes yet that is what MDOT proposes to do
2)  There should be a traffic signal at Route 12 and Grand Beach Road
3)  The addition of numerous marijuana dispensaries along Route 12 is going to have a significant impact on traffic volumes making the intersection at Route 12 and Grand Beach Road even more dangerous
4)  There should be new and separate crossings for bikes and pedestrians at the RR Crossing
5)  Construction of the Marquette Greenway is going to greatly increase bike traffic and make the RR Crossing and intersection of Route 12 and Grand Beach Road a serious hazard to all traffic.